

Ford, Henry

  1. An American industrial leader of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Ford perfected the assembly line technique of mass production , by which the Model T automobile and its successors were made available “for the multitude.”

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Ford said, “History is bunk,” and was often considered a man of extreme conservatism and hardheaded practicality. The Ford Foundation, which he established in the 1930s, has funded a great number of educational projects.

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Example Sentences

At first blush, Henry Ford, the founder of Ford, and Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla Motors, would seem to have little in common.

Henry Ford used to say that customers could get the Model T in any color, so long as it was black.

Henry Ford recognized that the automobile would be more successful as a volume business than as a niche product.

And Henry Ford was already regarded as an eccentric, an outsider, somewhat strange.

Henry Ford, founder, chief executive officer, and dictator of the Ford Motor Company, unilaterally raised—doubled!

It is as though Henry Ford had perfected an automobile, and then no one had taken a drive in it, ever, but Henry.

I had hoped they would get in first, but Henry Ford had a blow out and they had to stop for repairs.

Now hurry up and get on your hats and jackets and we will speed little Henry Ford to church.

How glad we were to hear the toot of Henry Ford and to know that our time in purgatory was over.

Henry Ford makes his millions because he is producing something that the people want.



